Fatty Caddy Fat Tire Bike Race, February 22nd – Cadillac Pathway. 13- mile course consisting of three laps through the wooded trails, a longer, two-lap raced covering 22 miles. Courses are designated for seasonal and newcomers to Fat Tire Biking. Learn more at facebook.com/TheFattyCaddy.
Cadillac Earth Day Celebration, April TBD – Cadillac Commons. This event was established 35 years ago and will be bigger than ever in 2024. Bring the family to celebrate our Earth as dozens of vendors share activities and information on how we can protect our environment. Free tree seedlings (while supplies last), live music and kids activities are planned at The Market. Details at cadillacearthday.org.
Mesick Jeep Blessing, May 3rd – Ellen’s Corners. The 23rd annual event where many gather for a blessing then head out on area off-road courses, including vendors, kids activities, prizes and 2,000-plus Jeeps on display. Learn more on their Facebook page.
Mesick Mushroom Festival, May 9th-11th – Downtown Mesick. Mushroom capital of the United States, lots of great activities for all ages, such as concerts, kids events, craft vendors, annual parade and many more. Details at mesick-mushroomfest.org.
Greatest 4th in the North, July 2nd-5th – Lake City. Events include parade, live music, 5k race and more! Details at: missaukeechamber.com/greatest-4th-in-the-north.
Cadillac Freedom Festival, July 4th-6th – Cadillac Commons. This annual festival with 3 full days of family activities and will feature a new drone show July 5th at dusk over Lake Cadillac. Learn more at CadillacFreedomFestival.com.
LeRoy Razzasque Days, July 11th-13th – LeRoy. Always the 2nd Weekend in July, this community festival is a family-friendly event with something for everyone, including a parade, kids activities, sports tournaments, live music, vendors, beverage tent & more! Find details at: razzdays.org.
Cadillac Festival of the Arts, July 18th-19th – Cadillac Commons.100+ artist booths, food & entertainment. Learn more at: Phyllis Olson Juried Art Fair or Cadillac Festival of The Arts on Facebook.
Harrietta Blueberry Festival, August 2nd.- Harrietta A FREE and fun, family friendly event! Activities include the pie eating contest. frozen t-shirt contest as well as a quilt show and petting zoo. Don’t forget the ice-cream sundaes, hand-held pies, t-shirts and fresh blueberries for sale, or if you want to pick your own, Blueberry Hill is just down the road! Learn more at: harriettamichigan.com/blueberry-festival/
Mitchell Street Market Block Party, August 9th – Main Street Closed. Visitors can expect to find unique gifts, sales and treats as they walk down main street while it’s filled vendors and activities. Fun for families of all ages, you can expect to shop great deals out on the sidewalks, hear live music & activities for the kids. Details to come at DowntownCadillac.com.
Missaukee Chamber Car Cruise & Car Show, August 8th-9th – Lake City. 30th Annual Car Cruise and Car Show, is a 2 day event in downtown Lake City. Lots of activities such as a craft shows, kids card box races, entertainment, any many more. All details found at Missaukee Area Chamber of Commerce.
Northern District Fair, August 11th-16th – Wexford Co. Fairgrounds. For more than 100 years, the NDF has welcomed families to enjoy multiple carnival rides, games, exhibits, animals, derby, vendors and fun. Details can be found at: northerndistrictfair.org.
Buckley Old Engine Show, August 14th-17th – Buckley. The 57th Annual Buckley Old Engine Show, featuring displays, show groups, hands on exabits, craft vendors. With a variety of different activities for all ages. Learn more here on their website.
Wexford County Wings & Wheels, August 23rd – Wexford Co. Airport. Bring the kids for this fun day featuring a fly-in, pancake breakfast, free Young Eagle flights for kids, classic cars & aircrafts on display along with many booths set up where organizations can highlight their group in an effort to promote careers in aviation! Learn more about it at: facebook.com/flycadillac
Manton Harvest Festival, August 30 – September 1- Manton Since 1924, this festival has been a time honored tradition of community events, live music and gathering of people all across northern Michigan. Learn more at: mantonmichigan.com/harvest-festival.
Hughston’s Cow Camp Rodeo, Labor Day Weekend – McBain. This annual rodeo draws crowds from miles around and includes several types of competitions as well as on-site camping, chili cook off & more! Learn more at: facebook.com/HughstonsCowCampRodeo.
Great Lakes Fish Decoy Carving Association 2025 World Championships, September 12th-14th – Lake Cadillac Resort. This event features a collectors show, trading, decoy carving, and more. For more information glfda.com.
Cadillac’s Craft Beer Festival, September 13th – Cadillac Commons. Enjoy the best variety of Michigan Craft Beverages in a fun tailgating atmosphere, overlooking Lake Cadillac! With food & retail vendors, yard games and live music there is something for everyone, so grab some friends and meet us downtown for a great cause. Details at ccbeerfest.com.
Festival of the Pines, September 19th-20th – Lake City. This annual festival celebrates our Christmas tree growers, farmers and logging industry businesses with events that include chainsaw carving competitions, live music, beverage tent & more! Find the details at: missaukeechamber.com/festival-of-the-pines
Fall Color Jeep Fun Run, October TBD – This 3rd annual event requires an entry fee/map per Jeep. Visit all four participating stores (TBD) and one other location (listed on the map) and get your map stamped at each store to get put into a drawing. Additional details will be available at each stop. Find more info here on Facebook.
KISS 50th Anniversary Celebration, October 2025 – Details TBD. Celebrate the 50th anniversary of the legendary KISS Homecoming event from 1975, when the iconic rock band famously visited the town to honor the Cadillac High School football team and their connection to the band’s music, cementing a unique and unforgettable chapter in both Cadillac’s and KISS’s history. Learn more at KISSCadillac.com.
Christmas in the Park, November 28th – Cadillac Commons. Join us at the Cadillac Commons for the annual Christmas tree lighting with carols, hot chocolate, and appearances by Santa and Mrs. Claus and more! Learn more at: facebook.com/CadillacChristmasinthePark