Find your winter passion in Cadillac. Snowmobiling, backcountry skiing, and frozen lakes make up a playground for the winter sports enthusiast.


Finding something to do in the cold weather months is EASY in Cadillac.  With a regional snowmobile trail network topping out at nearly 500 miles through 5 counties, our winter sports trail network is second to none in the lower peninsula of Michigan.

Add up our 500,000 acres of National Forest with nearly 100 miles of backcountry trails for Fat Tire biking, cross country skiing, and snowshoeing along with three inland lakes with ice fishing opportunities at every turn, you have an incredible winter opportunity in the heart of Michigan.

It doesn’t stop there, Caberfae peaks is (literally) the cherry on top, with nearly 500′ of vertical drop on 34 beautifully groomed runs.


Winter Sports & Snowmobiling in Cadillac Michigan. Snowmobiles going down a winter trail.

Cadillac Stories

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We welcome you to explore Cadillac.

The Fatty Caddy Returns in 2025 at the Cadillac Pathway!

After a unseasonably warm winter in 2024, The Fatty Caddy is set to return in 2025. Cadillac will play host to the 3rd annual fat bike race on Saturday, February 22nd! Racers can choose either the sport or elite racing class and can expect the best trail conditions we...

Winter Fun at the Carl T. Johnson Hunting and Fishing Center Center

Winter hikes, ice fishing classes and more! The Carl T. Johnson Hunting and Fishing Center, at the popular Mitchell State Park, offers a range of programs for all ages. Visitors are greeted by a 500 gallon aquarium showcasing the fish of Lake Mitchell and Lake...

Cadillac Pathway

The Cadillac Pathway is an 11.3-mile pathway with six loops on the pathways. The Cadillac Pathway is a multi-use, non-motorized recreation trail open for users year-round. The Pathway is on State-owned lands managed by the Department of Natural Resources (DNR). The...

Horizontal Glide – XC Skiing in Cadillac

Cross County Skiing in Cadillac While Caberfae Peaks offers plenty of thrills for alpine skiers, cross-country skiers can delight in a trio of free, groomed, public trail systems in the Cadillac area. Nearest to Caberfae Peaks is the 10 mile-long McKenzie Trail. Local...

Winter Hiking The Manistee River Trail

For years, I've been winter backpacking all over the county from Utah to Maine! But the scenic trails we have right here at home are some of the best I've ever had the pleasure of exploring. My most recent winter hike with friends is a tradition that we try to plan...