Bringing together kiters of all ages, backgrounds, and abilities – these ice kiters gather to celebrate community, kiteboarding, and a love of winter. Events include: Friday welcome party, gear swap, kite race, snow kite olympics, awards ceremony, closing party & Sunday free ride.
For the Beginners: Snow Kiting & Winging Workshops – Learn the basics of snow kiting/snow winging and start your journey in an amazing sport for free (pre-registration required)!
Up until recently I had no idea that snow kiting was a sport available in our area, that all changed when I was driving around Lake Cadillac and caught sight of big kite attached to a person bombing along – they were going faster than I thought was possible! I was intrigued to say the least.
So I managed to track down those kite surfers on social media and Motor City Kiteboarding informed me of an event taking place right here in Cadillac the next weekend. A “Midwest Snow Kite Jam” and I had to go see this for myself!

Turns out I had struck gold, after talking to the event organizer, I learned this was the only snow kite event in the Midwest and attracts enthusiasts from Ohio, Illinois, Pennsylvania and as far as South Carolina. Turns out, Cadillac is a great location to host as it is central to some great kite boarding lakes!
Conditions were less than perfect as we had just had a mid-February warm up & re-freeze event which left Lake Cadillac covered in a glare of ice, luckily we had gotten a few inches of snow that covered the ice just enough to give the snow surfers enough grip to get out!
It was incredible to see the enthusiasm and love for the sport these kiteboarders have in gathering together and getting their gear ready. Once the kites went up, it was a dance between the wind, kite and some very talented riders from one end of the lake to the other. They were flying past me jumping and spinning, it was truly amazing to witness!

I know now this is an awesome sport and another great way to get out and enjoy the outdoors out on our lakes! For any beginners out there looking to jump into snow kiting, go check out Motor City Kiteboarding for information on lessons in our area!
Please clarify. Free for the public to watch and take pictures? 2 old farts with cameras. Txs
Absolutely free to come spectate! It’s really neat to watch 🙂