The Clam River Greenway is a 1.6 mile paved trail that takes visitors from the CASA soccer fields to a couple Lake Cadillac trails. The trail is 10 feet wide and covers multiple boardwalks, bridges, and snakes with the Clam River through its entirety. “Walking and moving around is the single most important thing older people can do to extend their life expectancy and remain independent,” says Bill Evans, of the University of Arkansas‘s Institute on Aging.

The trail can be accessed from two different points – the north end which starts at the CASA soccer fields, and the south end, which is at the Cadillac Sound Garden. The Cadillac Sound Garden is on the north side of Lake Cadillac, just about a 1/4 mile east of the Cadillac High School. Both have nearby parking lots.
Getting There
There are a parking lots that are conveniently for accessing the Clam River Greenway. At the south end, Lot A, is right across from the Chris Blackburn Memorial Skate Park on Chestnut Street on the Northeast side of Lake Cadillac. The parking lot features 30+ spaces and two handicap spaces. The trail head is about 0.15 miles to the west of the parking lot. Another easily accessible parking lot, Lot B is just 0.2 miles to the west of the Clam River Greenway trailhead. The lot includes 18 spaces and 2 handicap spaces. Both lots are concrete and in good condition.
The Clam River Greenway is not a loop. The north end of the greenway has parking by the CASA soccer fields near the corner of Plett Rd. and 13th St. The trail going south begins by the varsity soccer field parking lot. Hikers and bikers are welcome to park in this lot, or the various other soccer field lots that are all connected. The lot features 50+ spaces and multiple handicapped spaces. It is concrete and in good condition. Keep in mind that it is at the soccer fields, so during the spring and select fall days the parking lot can be full.
Since this is a City of Cadillac Trail, all parking lots are free to all and do NOT require a recreation passport or anything of the sort.
What Else to Know
Make sure you have the correct mode of transportation! Motorized vehicles are not permitted on any part of the trail. Bicycles, walking, scooters, and roller blades are all welcome when snow is not on the ground. When the snow starts falling, fat tire bikes are allowed, and when there is enough snow on the ground snowshoers and cross country skiers are welcome to hit the trail. Beware though as the trail does cross roads that will be plowed and concrete will be showing.
On the way to the trail visit the Kiss Monument, one of Cadillac’s most historic and talked about events in its history. In 1975 the band KISS came to Cadillac. After losing the first two games of the 1974 season, Cadillac’s football team was able to rally back and win out the season thanks to some pump music before games by a band called KISS. The band heard about this amazing story and decided to put on a show at Cadillac’s homecoming in its gym. The story is talked about by rock and roll enthusiasts across the world. Read more about it here. The one of a kind monument is located just outside of Cadillac’s Veterans Memorial Stadium at the High School, only 0.2 miles away from the trailhead of the Clam River Greenway, right across the street from parking lot B.
Once You’re There
Parking on the south side of the trail (the Lake Cadillac side), you will enter our Cadillac Sound Garden. The sound garden has many features, including a rustic musical art sculpture, 20,000 daffodils in the spring and hundreds of perennials, a ground sun-dial, a Kinder Bell tulip sculpture, and a stone child memorial collection. Take a seat on one of the many benches and enjoy the sound garden. Spend some time making some beats and looking into the Clam River on the deck.
The Cadillac Sound Garden also features a dock called the Rotary Centennial Boardwalk that can be used to fish the Clam River. It has benches on the dock, and railings to lean up against while waiting for the fish to bite! The Clam can also be fished throughout its entirety and fish are extra eager to take the hook in the spring time. Once you’re ready to walk, head north up the Clam River Pathway. The 10 foot wide concrete path gives travelers a sturdy footing. Follow the blue painted feet on the ground while winding around the Clam River to stay on track.
There is one railroad track to cross that has safety bumps for individuals with seeing impairments and four bridges on the trail. Three of which are boardwalks; there are small gaps between the concrete and the boardwalk, but most tires will easily be able to roll over it. The trail does cross Cadillac’s main street, Mitchell Street. Mitchell Street has five traffic lanes, but there is a crosswalk with lights to guide travelers. Make sure to click the crossing button and be patient! The sign will tell you when to go and when to wait.
Enjoy our Clam River Pathway.