by Nate Houk | Oct 28, 2019 | Cadillac Stories, Downtown, Hiking Trails, Spring, Summer, Trails & Parks
The Clam River Greenway is a 1.6 mile paved trail that takes visitors from the CASA soccer fields to a couple Lake Cadillac trails. The trail is 10 feet wide and covers multiple boardwalks, bridges, and snakes with the Clam River through its entirety. “Walking...
by Nate Houk | Oct 28, 2019 | Cadillac Stories, Spring, Summer, Trails & Parks
Cadillac Heritage Trail is a 3.5-mile nature trail managed by Mitchell State Park. It can be accessed from the Carl T. Johnson Hunting and Fishing Center. The benefits of hiking are well documented, showing that seniors who hike regularly experience: Improved...
by Nate Houk | Oct 28, 2019 | Biking, Cadillac Stories, Hiking Trails, Trails & Parks, Winter Skiing - XC Ski/Snowshoe/Fatbike
The Cadillac Pathway is an 11.3-mile pathway with six loops on the pathways. The Cadillac Pathway is a multi-use, non-motorized recreation trail open for users year-round. The Pathway is on State-owned lands managed by the Department of Natural Resources (DNR). The...
by Nate Houk | Aug 12, 2019 | Cadillac Stories, Summer, Trails & Parks
Lake Cadillac’s Eastern Shoreline Park The Keith McKellop Walkway is a 1.5-mile concrete trail that boasts gorgeous views of Lake Cadillac. The east shoreline walkway is four feet wide and consists of concrete. According to the Environmental Protection Agency...
by Chris Gray | Feb 7, 2019 | Cadillac Stories, Hiking Trails, Trails & Parks
As the seasons change and winter arrives, many people put away their backpacking gear. But as the snow falls and the crowds disappear, a new adventure awaits. It was a cold December night, and our group met at the Upper River Road trailhead on the North Country...
by Dave Foley | Dec 17, 2018 | Cadillac Stories, Out and About with Dave Foley, Trails & Parks
By Dave Foley When the snow conditions are right, the MDNR Cadillac Pathway parking lot off Seeley Road just east of Cadillac, will be filled with cars left by cross country skiers, fatbikers, and snowshoers. While the Cadillac Pathway has been a popular cross country...