The warm low waters seen as the summer drags on create an increased density of trout in the deep pools. Targeting these deep holes after rapids and gravel often create the most opportunities to hook into a quality trout. Time of day is also an important factor. The fish tend to be active in the early hours of the morning and later in the evening, continuing on into the night.

Traditionally in June, hatches of large insects become the predominant food source for trout. Fly fishing during these hatches can be some of the most exciting fishing found on the trout waters. Fish of all sizes gorge themselves on these hatching insects, making them more susceptible to take anglers flies. This hatch is positive for anglers who catch the beginning of the hatch but once the hatch has started the trout tend to be less inclined to take an offering from an angler. Presenting a mayfly imitation has been a successful tactic when pursuing trout during this time.

As July wears on these hatches become less active and the fish become very weary. Anglers often have to scale down their tackle in order to trick them into taking their lure. On the pine river, anglers can find success fishing with grasshoppers in deep holes.